Friday, November 6, 2009

It's Damn You/I Hate You Friday Time, Kitty Style

What do you love this week, like those fluffy-wuffy kitties above?

I wish my cats would yell this at my douchebag neighbor's kids who are always on our lawn, leaving toys and garbage all over.
Tell me what's pissing you off and don't forget to include what has been awesome this week! Just trying to balance the positive with the negative before we all fall over to the negative side forever. Which is where I currently reside btw.
Super cute kitty images from


  1. And I have my damn you ready now: Thanks for telling me I would have to go to court first thing Monday morning in freakin' Kansas just now (Friday morning) That is some short notice.

    I'm loving nothing right now except for free donuts. Had em twice this week at work.

  2. Damn you sore throat that is threatening to ruin my weekend.

    I love my the concept I'm coming up with for my new tattoo.

  3. OMG I love that second cat picture!!

    Ok, Damn you cold that won't go away and made me throw up Vitamin Water at the gym last night in front of everybody!

    Loving that it's Friday and I'm off to grab something delicious. Do I want food or sweets?

  4. I love that friends have come over last night and pregnant and one with a little baby to snuggle! My anti-social self isn't sure what to think about this entertaining, but I like it.

    I would like to damn whatever is going on with van right now. I just got the oilchanged and now it's doing some super funky things on the interstate........EFF YOU VAN! DON'T TAKE OUR XMAS MONEY!!!

  5. Damn you colleague for not being able to give good talks so that I had to stay super long at work just to tell you what you did wrong and could do better.

    Love you Friday for being the last day of this shit week!

  6. Damn you DH who stayed up 'til 4am and left me with 3 crabby babies, a kitchen full of dishes and no free time even when I woke up at 5:45 am in order to get time to myself.

    Love you DH who has been my #1 NaNo cheerleader all week and told me that I deserved time to myself to write since I have a soul-sucking job.


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